Cinahl. Omvårdnadsvetenskap, oral hälsa och närliggande områden. Innehåller referenser till artiklar från ca 2 800 tidskrifter,


Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health (CINAHL) is among the world's most comprehensive and authoritative research database.

Click on a discipline to find a resource list on your chosen subject. Humanities and Communication. Communication, Journalism, Public Relations and Advertising. Creative Writing, Editing and Publishing. English Literature. History, Philosophy and History of … Database of scholarly journals with publication information, submission experience data, and peer review indicators. Also included is Predatory Reports, the only searchable database of predatory journals with detailed summaries of deceptive behaviors.

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19:45 2020 Advanced Database Searching CINAHL. CINAHL Database provides indexing of the top nursing and allied health literature available including nursing journals and publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses Association. Literature covers a wide range of topics including nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines. CINAHL Complete.

Gå in till Cinahl “Institutional login”, välj ”Swedish Id Federation for Higher Ed” och logga in med KI-inloggningen.

The CINAHL Plus with Full Text database is an unfiltered database containing over 750 nursing and allied health related journals, and indexes another 5,000. The database itself is unfiltered, but includes many filtered items like systematic reviews. On this page you will learn how to limit your results in CINAHL to:

CINAHL. Databas som innehåller referenser till omvårdnad, oral hälsa och närliggande områden. mer och strukturerad sökning i Cinahl och få tag i vetenskapliga artiklar.

Cinahl database

using CINAHL alone. 11 reviews, where we were able to recheck all the databases used by the original review authors, had included a study that was uniquely identified from the CINAHL database. The median % of unique studies was 9.09 %; while the range had a lowest value of …

Cinahl database

Click on the ‘Go’ button to do a search. At the top of the search results page, click on the name of the database to link through. At this point if off-campus you will need to log in with your University of … CINAHL stands for the Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature and is the largest and most in-depth nursing research database.

Home · Introduction CINAHL Database: How to Conduct a Basic Search  1 Apr 2021 Journal Article and Other Databases. Note that many of the full text. For more tips, see our guide on database searching. CINAHL Complete.
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Cinahl database

EBSCO. 93. 02.07.2014.

It includes full-text journals, legal cases, clinical innovations, critical paths, research instruments and clinical trials. Biblioteket ger tillgång till hundratals databaser såsom Web of Science, Scopus, ScienceDirect och PubMed. Sök eller bläddra i databaslistan för att hitta den databas som du letar efter.
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2020-08-15 · CINAHL Database provides indexing of the top nursing and allied health literature available including nursing journals and publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses Association. Literature covers a wide range of topics including nursing, biomedicine, health sciences

för miljörelaterad ohälsa och stress CINAHL Cumulative Index to Nursing and medicine ECT Electroconvulsive therapy Embase Excerpta Medica Database  värvetenskaplig databas. Tillgänglig endast via nätverket Eduroam eller via VPN. CINAHL Complete. Ta en titt på Cinahl Databas samling av bildereller Cinahl Database (2020) & Cinahl Database Search. förbi Marco Knapick.

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The CINAHL Plus with Full Text database is an unfiltered database containing over 750 nursing and allied health related journals, and indexes another 5,000. The database itself is unfiltered, but includes many filtered items like systematic reviews. On this page you will learn how to limit your results in CINAHL to:

Åtkomst: Inom Högskolan +  About OneSearch · E-books · Articles and databases · Method literature Cinahl with Full Text · Cochrane Library · Communication Abstracts  CINAHL.

28 Jan 2021 The databases listed are not all the databases available at RCH (see CINAHL database, then you may move on to search Medline as well.

* CINAHL. Using CINAHL (and Other Databases) CINAHL. CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health) is North America's most popular nursing database.

Therefore, it is crucial to summarize the literature on nursing research priorities available in the named database. 2020-05-07 A - Z list of Databases available at the University of Sunderland Library. The University of Sunderland, Edinburgh Building, City Campus, Chester Road, CINAHL, the largest, international bibliographic database for nursing literature was systematically searched over December 2018 and January 2019 following a systematic approach (Table 2). The CINAHL Plus with Full Text database is an unfiltered database containing over 750 nursing and allied health related journals, and indexes another 5,000. The database itself is unfiltered, but includes many filtered items like systematic reviews. On this page you will learn how to limit your results in CINAHL to: CINAHL Complete is a research tool for nursing and allied health professionals. Users get fast and easy full-text access to top journals, evidence-based care sheets, quick lessons and more.